grooveTEK Chillout Session 015

Welcome to the grooveTEK Chillout Session 015
BuddhaBoy presents The Carl Rove got to GOA MIX. Yes, your iPOD just tuned to the Buddha Lounge groove vibe transmission from Boston so listen up folks to the eight sensational tracks for you to chill on Sunday. Get ready for the GOA trip MIX...... Enjoy the Show...
Over & Out,
The Carl Rove got to GOA MIX
[Groove Mixer : BuddhaBoy]
1. Fluid / The Echo Forest
2. Overstretched / Digitalsam
3. Eradicated / Infinite Dimensions
4. Electric Stars / Dutch Dance Connection
5. Turbocharge for the Brain / DOTOM
6. Effector Whispers / Digitalsam
7. Travelling Without Movement / ArronaX
8. Distorted_Memory / Organic Frequencies
The next gTEK Podcast Show will be on Sunday, May 21, 2006
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Ta-Ta.... :-)

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