Sunday, August 27, 2006

grooveTEK Chillout Session 027

photo by secho

Welcome to the grooveTEK Chillout Session 27

So you say you want a revolution. All you need do is shake them off!

Over & Out,
Morpheus & BuddhaBoy

[Groove Mixer : Buddhaboy]

Tracks/Artists [time]:
  1. Raxa-Phenomenom Brainstorm [0:49]
  2. Anywhere But Here Human Behavior [6:15]
  3. Ruta Mariano Ballejos [11:00]
  4. Living Faceless Protest of Reality [18:45]
  5. Third Dimension G-licious and Redshift [23:20]
The next gTEK Podcast Show will be on Sunday, September 3rd, 2006

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Ta-Ta.... :-)

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