grooveTEK Chillout Session 017

Welcome to the grooveTEK Chillout Session 017
We're back to the MP3 audio file format due to the overwhelming listeners request so we've decided to go back to the universal auido file format. We want to keep you all happy and keep our show momentum going. We'll revisit the AAC audio file format sometime in future but for now MP3 rules. Also, as of today, grooveTEK Electroncia Music podcast show will be on every week. Please pass the word around to your circle of friends about grooveTEK Electronica Music podcast show.
Over & Out,
Morpheus & BuddhaBoy
Sounds from the Ground MIX
[Groove Mixer : BuddhaBoy]
Tracks/Artists [time]:
1. Want to Want / Lostshade [0:57]
2. Driver / Mariano Ballejos [6:00]
3. Strip for me / Malcolm Charles [11:43]
4. Beat Conductor / Peppermint Bone [18:00]
5. Ascension / Vortechtral [23:40]
6. 20th century d.n.a. / stereogimmik [29:40]
7. Freestyling / Vortechtral [34:39]
8. Embellish /